A collection of artworks focused around the concept of expanding one's perspective by working to see through the eyes of another, valuing different types of information and connecting different visual collectives and clues (connecting the dots, so to speak) to create multiple detailed images through the cognitive use of the same negative and positive space in a variety of ways. It is a reminder that no two people see anything the same way, and that each of us must work to try and understand the how and why each person interprets the world the way they do. I encourage the viewer to question and converse with other spectators of each of these works as it helps to stimulate others to look for more than they might see on their own, inadvertently expanding their eye to the alternative "realities" as they do so. The art itself is the catalyst of the true art, which exists only in the mind of each viewer and what they glimpse, and the act of trying to switch gears from what they see most naturally to what they wouldn't spot altering their view of the world and its possibilities. One's initial expectations of the world and how it functions, and one's ability to recategorize and repackage information after it's initial processing will determine how successful this gallery will be to you. As well, even when using the same words, what you see and what I see may be entirely different things; the same as in life and our usually unnoticed misunderstandings of communication! I cannot wait to discover all these various perceptions of reality with you, and look forward to learning more about the world as we know it!